There's a lot of great-looking women in great looking photographs on MySpace. There's also a lot of great-looking women in not-so-great-looking photographs. And, of course, there's a lot of women who don't fall into either of the above-mentioned categories. Such is life: No one said it's fair.
When I stumble across great-looking women in not-so-great looking photographs, I feel a compelling urge to tell them how great-looking they are, but also how not-so-great-looking their images seem to be. Is that so freaking wrong?
I don't act on my compulsions, though, because it probably would be wrong (at the very least, rude) to do so. After all, they posted the aforementioned not-so-great-looking photographs and, in so doing, they seem to be saying they're okay with having not-so-great-looking photographs representing them on MySpace.
I've thought about reaching out to a few of them and offering to shoot them, at least those who live locally to me, so they'll have some better-looking images to post of themselves. But then I figure they'll figure I'm just some perv or, worse, a GWC, and I don't bother making the offer. I also figure that, if they agreed to a shoot and by the time that would happen, I might already be so-done with MySpace and it won't matter anyway. But, for now, it really bugs me and I don't know why.
If any of you are also MySpace addicted, or you're simply an ocassional visitor there, check out my MySpace page and "add" me as friend! My MySpace page is at myspace.com/prettygirlshooter.
The pretty girl at the top is Vanessa. I shot her last summer at a home in the Hollywood hills. Lighting was, for the most part, courtesy of the sun with the exception of a large umbrella and a monolight in front of her for fill.
Hey Jimmy,
I hear you. I can barely accomplish anything while at home. Lucky for me (I guess) that I don't work from home.
This whole new world of Virtual Existance and Relationships is quite strange. Its voyeuristic at the least. For example, I share your interest in photography and follow your blog as I can. I feel like I know you, from your enjoyable and entertaining ramblings (good photo content too!), but you wouldn't know me if I passed you on the street.
Getting beyond the virtual neighbor thing is quite the egg to crack. At some you have to develop trust. Obviously, some extent of accountability is necessary too, particularly the GWC thing.
Anyhow, just thought I'd add my bit and hopefully (ie: a workshop!)I'll get to meet you someday.
Now, back to my virtual cruising!
Jeff N
amen,its become very addictive. Ive beem using Imeem.com a bit more though,much better photo and video support.
The unfortunate thing is that we have the same feelings on some of the profiles. Resisting the urge to contact folks and offer a shoot is somewhat of a challenge. Like you though, we just fight the urge and go with it. Could be some incredible photos out there though. Maybe offer a paid shoot at a discount eh? Hey,, someone has to make money off of it right? :HEH:
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