Wednesday, October 04, 2006

The Sunny Side of Losing My Studio

I've been rather glum since the realization that, soon, I'm not going to have my own studio any longer. That certainly doesn't mean I won't be shooting any studio stuff, it just means I won't have the luxury and convenience of my own place to do it in.

I'm also disturbed at the prospect of moving all my crap out. I hate moving. I mean I really hate moving. Probably many of you do as well. I have a lot of stuff and that means a lot of work packing and sorting and organizing and tossing things away. I hate doing that. It takes time and organizatonal skills and I'm lazy, generally disorganized, and a terrible procrastinator. The hardest thing for me to make sure doesn't happen is to suddenly find myself about a week away from having to leave and realizing I haven't done much about doing that.

But there might be a sunny side to this-- Maybe I'll be less lazy about going out into the great outdoors to shoot? Given a choice, I'll usually opt to shoot in the studio where it's all under my control, the lighting that is. Going outside means you're trying to turn the sun--a nearby heavenly body that could care less that I'm using its expended photons to light some, uhh... heavenly bodies-- and turn it into a wonderful and dynamic light source. That doesn't mean, of course, that I leave it all to the sun... if there's an A/C outlet within a hundred feet or so, I'm plugging in some lights. Plus, there's always my trusty speedlights which are battery-operated and which I can certainly fire remotely as well as modify with umbrellas, bounce cards, softboxes, and all that sort of stuff. Not to mention I can capture the sun's photon's and reflect and modify them!

I'm trying to be optimistic, can you tell?

So maybe... just maybe... this being without a personal studio thing will make me a better all-around shooter?

I guess time will tell.

The heavenly body lit by a heavenly body (with a little help from some artificial sources) is Vanessa. Nice boo-tay presentation in that first shot, huh?


Anonymous said...


you are too good at this stuff to let not having a studio bother you. Your location shots are great.

Just think of the money you are saving.

Anonymous said...


Think of moving out as an investment. You save all that cash so you can invest in new gear! Like having a slush fund for 'L' Lenses Anonymous!

You're a great shooter, don't let the business get in the way of the beauty.

Anonymous said...

I am probably going to give up my studio - the first I ever had, I only moved in in April - next month, because I just can't justify the expense. I'm going to try to partner up with a photographer who has a home studio. I am sad but I feel better knowing that one of my heroes is doing the same thing.


Anonymous said...

Hey man, with the money you're saving you can travel more! I have a spare room and will let you use my studio anytime. Is there any possibility in converting a room in your house?