Thursday, January 31, 2008

A New Me

There's a Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young song, Almost Cut My Hair, that begins, "Almost cut my hair. It happened just the other day..." Well, in my case, it didn't "almost" happen the other day. It happened.

For most people, hair cuts aren't a big deal but, for me, it is and always has been. I've spent a large chunk of my adult life with long hair. Sure, there's been times when, for varying reasons, I rolled with short hair: Servitude in the military, while employed by a Fortune 200 corporation, and a few other times. For the most part, however, I've been a long-haired type; pony-tail-half-way-down-the-back long. I guess I've never been able to let go of the 60s and, as that joke goes, I don't remember much of the 60s. That's how they were for me.

Yep. I've spent most of my life, as David Crosby says, "Letting my freak flag fly."

Since shearing my locks the other day, people have already told me I look at least ten years younger and that it actually appears like I have more hair. Cool! I'm definitely less scary-looking and more presentable. A friend and client, Biohazard's Evan Seinfeld, (who was also a co-star on HBO's hit series, "Oz") recently told me I look like a roadie for Uriah Heep. If you don't know who Uriah Heep is... was... they made some cool music back in the day. But to me, now that I've shed the UH roadie look, I now look like a middle-aged insurance salesman... except when I'm on my Harley. Now, when riding, I look like a middle-aged insurance salesman on a Harley.

So why did I cut my hair and what does that have to do with photography? As I attempt to move into other photo genres, I figured it might be in my interest to present a more respectable initial impression, you know, a cleaner-cut impression. It has always irked me the way many people judge the cover and not the book but that is what it is and I'm done fighting it.

The long hair hasn't ever been a problem shooting pretty girls. With many of the girls I shoot, I could have a swastika, a la Charles Manson, carved into my forehead and they would barely notice. But for the types of clients I'm now trying to get in with, long hair probably won't help my goals much, even without a forehead-carved swastika.

I only hope that, like Samson losing his hair at the hands of Delilah, I don't lose any of my photographic Kung Fu. Assuming, that is, that my photo-Kung Fu is strong enough to achieve some of the things I'm hoping to achieve.

The image at the top is Cindy from a year or so ago. I shot the pic in my studio against a black BG with three lights and a fan positioned at her feet and pointed straight up.


Paps said...

Congrets on finally getting a haircut. As we say here a fox can shed his hair but not his tricks.

BTW Heep is still touring! I've seen 2 weeks ago :)

Anonymous said...

Lookin' forward to seeing the new crop!

-- Dave

Elliott - 21st Century Dad said...

I cut off all my hair 4 years ago. I started earning 50% more money.

Unlike you, I can't afford to look 10 years younger. Everyone thinks I'm 10 years younger than I really am already. A 14 year old has less of a chance than a long-haired hippie freak like you.

D.L. Wood said...

I found a great guy that is trying to change that judge a book by it's cover attitude along with prejudice and hate. He's doing it at schools here and Europe. Check out The Scary Guy at www(dot)scaryguy(dot)com.

I cut off my beard after 30 years recently. The daughter didn't like it. Said it was too weird and not her Dad. She, at 25, had never seen me without it. I had to laugh. Now the wife has told me I'm handsome more lately than any other time in our 33 years of marriage. So I told the daughter she'd have to get used to it. :-)

D.L. Wood

Anonymous said...

Lucky Bastard! When they shaved my hair in boot camp it scared my hair to death - it never came back!

I still get haircuts but I tell people it's just a very wide part in the middle.

With this new image you might consider a new name for your blog:!


Lin said...

Well come on then, let's see the pictures.

After compromising my principles to show dodgy porn, the least you can do is show me your studly new hairstyle.

joshua said...

Sooo, let's see it Mr. insurance salesman! (get to work Leesa!)

Around 17019 years of age I lost a lot of hair (receding) so I cut it all off. Now I will look the same until that day I die, minus some wrinkles ;)


Elliott - 21st Century Dad said...

Joshua - 17019 years of age?!?!?

Damn, you're old! Jimmy doesn't feel so bad now.

jimmyd said...

I found a great guy that is trying to change that judge a book by it's cover attitude along with prejudice and hate. He's doing it at schools here and Europe. Check out The Scary Guy at www(dot)scaryguy(dot)com.

Yah. Scary Guy is one of my almost 400 close personal friends on MySpace. (That was sarcasm but I am aware of the good work Scary Guy is doing.) Thanks!