Sometimes, though, I manage to get my butt in gear and head off for some outdoor shooting. Generally, when I do so, I come back with some images that I'm fairly pleased with, probably because the outdoor images are so different from the studio images I normally shoot and that, in and of itself, can be artistically refreshing.
Shooting outdoors is like going hunting. You're not only hunting for great locations to shoot at, your also hunting for that ever-elusive perfect light.
Perfect light is, in my opinion, something of a misnomer. Yeah, it exists. But, for the most part, it doesn't often exist all by itself. It usually needs a little help. Not always, but often enough. I'm talking about light modification, amplification, and removal. From a photography perspective, that means scrims, flags, reflectors, strobes, filters, and all that kind of stuff. It can sometimes be more on the simple side, a reflector or fill-flash, or it can get complicated: Large, overhead silks, big, shiny-board reflectors, and HMIs with generators to power them.
Another drawback to outdoor shooting, that is, when you intend to use scrims, flags, reflectors, and such, is the need to have others with you: One or two or sometimes more people are required, other than the model and yourself, to wield those light modifiers. That means an assistant or assistants or, simply said, a crew. You see what I mean? Shooting glamour outside gets complicated and sometimes requires more in terms of both effort and assistance. I'm not saying great images can't be captured without extra help and gear, they often are, I'm saying it's sometimes harder to accomplish it depending on your expectations and/or the expectations of a client. There's that lazyness thing popping back up again. But it's not always about lazyness. Sometimes there's no way you're going to get those great shots without help and specialized gear. The sun is fickle. It doesn't always perform as expected. Shooting outside can get complicated and require more to get the job done.
Shooting glamour outside can be rewarding, frustrating, time-consuming, require extra effort, but, in the end, it's the images you capture that count. Whether you're capturing these images for a paycheck or for self-gratification or even for bragging rights on photo forums, it's worth the extra effort to do it right.
Like my Dad and possibly your's was fond of saying: If it's worth doing, do it right!
The beautiful and sexy model who accompanied me to the location I shot these pics at is Ms. Kori Rae. A pal and also a photographer, Rick H., went along as well and Rick and I took turns being each other's assistants.
1 comment:
thanks for sharing. i've heard early morning or right before sunset can be good...
so much to learn. so little time
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