Saturday, October 28, 2006

Photographer Mark Daughn

Every now and then I stumble on some other shooter's work I think is worth calling attention to. It's not that I consider myself a critic or anything like that. For the most part, I'm not a big fan of critics. But I do think I'm critically-qualified enough to know exceptional pretty girl shooting when I see it. Mark Daughn is just such a shooter.

Mark is an Austin, Texas, based photographer highly admired for his glamour and pin-up work. He's best known for his work with Mystique Magazine, an online e-zine that features some of the world's most beautiful and sexy women. Mark's also worked with Playboy and is a fashion shooter as well.

Mark's website, which you can visit by clicking HERE, includes terrific examples of the many incredible women Mark has shot. He also shares a bit of his photo-philosophy with his site's visitors. And some of that philosophy -- wouldn't you just know -- agrees with some of my own. For instance, according to Mark, "Anyone can learn lighting. After that it's all about the rapport with the model and your vision."

What have I been telling you people? So much of the "art" of pretty girl shooting is as much about communications and building rapport with the models as it is about photography! Here's an example of one of the ramblings I've made on this subject, RIGHT HERE.

Mark also says, "Live each day to its fullest... you are dead a long time."

I've got to give a thumbs up to that philosophy as well.

BTW, Mark also holds workshops. He has one coming up here, in L.A., in mid-November. If you're interested, you can find out more by clicking HERE.

The pretty girl with the 0% body fat is Naomi. I've posted pics of Naomi before but not these two. I know this as I just monkeyed with them in PS today. The images are from different shoots but both were shot with a Canon 5D w/ 85mm prime, ISO 100, f/5.6 @ 125th.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

When I got my first studio job some 35 years ago the photographer that hired me used to say, "photography is 20% photography and 80% psychology." You're spot on.
